“On Point” is a 2D animated short film about a creature that lives a simple life in a black dot until a stranger appears and attempts to make contact.
An animated student short film by Anouschka Fritz, Mariana Roth, Zoi Arvanitidou, Benjamin Brunnen, Nick James Henderson and Lukas Fritsch
2. Semester, 2022
Project Coaching Team: Paul Nasdalack, Thomas Nickel, Max Trautvetter || Producing and Production Management Coach: Boris Kunkel
Animation & Game
The Project “On Point” is a 2D animated short film completely made in black and white,
working with silhouettes only and relying highly on the sound design.
The animation shots were made in Blender with the Blender Grease Pencil tool.
The idea was originally pitched by Anouschka Madeline Fritz and executed by a team of four Animation and Game students, including Anouschka Madeline Fritz, Zoi Arvanitidou, Mariana Roth and Benjamin Brunnen. The sound was done by the Sound and Music Production students Nick James Henderson and Lukas Fritsch.
With a total runtime of approximately two minutes, the short animation was realized as a
second semester project within a span of 4 month.
“On Point” follows a creature that lives a simple repetitive life in a black dot in a white void. One day through mysterious means a new dot appears with a stranger, who attempts to make contact by building a bridge…