The Animation and Game Entrance Examination assesses competencies and talents such as creativity, the use of technology to implement ideas, perceptiveness and imaginativeness, problem solving skills, visualization and visual thinking skills, the ability to independently and systematically develop meaningful design concepts related to the field of animation and games, motivation for the field of study and and interest in animation and game culture and technology.
In order to take the Entrance Examination you must submit a digital portfolio with 3 work samples. The work samples must be projects related to the field of animations and games. For more informations please refer to the FAQs.
The Animation and Game Entrance Examination consists of two stages: a Portfolio Examination (Stage 1) and a Presence Examination (Stage 2).
During the Portfolio Examination (Stage 1) the application portfolios are assessed by the Board of Examiners. Applicants must pass the Portfolio Examination to get admitted to the Presence Examination (Stage 2).
The Presence Examination (Stage 2) is a full day examination. It is carried out at Media Campus Dieburg and consists of several practical assignments and an interview. Please note: Depending on the Covid-19 situation the Presence Examination might be carried out online. The 2023 Presence Examination will be carried out in the week from 26.06.-30.06.2023.
FAQs about the Digital Portfolio
What should I include in my digital portfolio?
The work samples should be related to the field of animations and games. So for example you can include:
# video game levels
# video game prototypes
# character designs
# environment concept art
# 2 D or 3 D animations
# animatics or storyboards
# 3 D models
# 3 D simulations, 3 D shaders or 3 D tools
# board games or game design concepts
Each work sample should be considered as a project and not so much as a single element. So for example:
if you submit character designs, you should include several concepts (variations, poses, facial expressions, turnarounds etc.) and not just one single drawing or final result.
if you submit a video game prototype, you should give information on, e.g., programming of game mechanics and game design elements and decisions. Include visuals such as gameplay diagrams, game design concepts, concept art, program code details, and at best a first prototype.
If you submit a game prototype or finished video game, include a gameplay video!
Avoid submitting work samples which only consist of written descriptions.
May I submit more than 3 work samples?
You must stick to 3 work samples. However, a single work sample can consist of several related items. So you should rather consider the 3 work samples as three projects which are represented through a choice of characteristic elements. This will allow you to demonstrate your creative, methodological and technological approach.
For example if you plan to submit character designs as one work sample, include variations, poses, facial expressions, turnarounds or show several characters which belong to your story world/game instead of limiting yourself to just one single drawing.
In case of a game you should highlight your technological contributions or any other software, such as programming of game prototypes, self-developed tools for the animation process, physics simulations, game engine feature usage, any code or programs you created or modified (e.g., in school projects), applications of any kind, logical structures (e.g in Minecraft).
If you consider submitting an idea for an animated short you can present it in form of a storyboard or animatic and include some environment concepts and/or character concepts
In the case of 3-D art it is advisable to include concept drawings and present the final result in form of a mesh and a turnaround or flythrough video in addition to the rendered image.
Can I submit written stories, scripts or game concepts?
You should present your work mainly in a visual form. You may add a written story, gameplay description or technical implementation for better understanding but the written elements should not exceed the length of 1 page. If you submit a game design concept you should visualize relevant elements of the gameplay though illustrations, sketches and/or concept art and include a first prototype.
FAQs about the Presence Examination
How long is the interview?
The interview has a duration of 10 to maximum 15 minutes. You can choose whether the interview will be carried out in English or German. If you choose German the Examiners will still ask some questions in English.
What kind of assignments can I expect?
The Presence Examination involves visual-spatial and logical problem solving tests. Moreover you must complete several practical creative assignments such as, for example, visual storytelling, game ideation, animation or character design assignments. No computers will be used. In addition to the tests and assignments applicants will be interviewed by the Board of Examiners.
I live outside of Germany and can't come to the Presence Examination. What can I do?
If you live outside of Germany and can’t come the the Campus are entitled to apply for Distance Examination instead of Presence Examination. In order to qualify you must submit a digital copy of an ID-Document and and a digital copy of a proof of residency (e.g. resident registration card, utility bill showing applicant’s name or rental confirmation by landlord).
PLEASE NOTE: a holiday is not considered a valid reason to apply for Distance Examination.