The Animation and Game Curriculum
The Animation and Game program is practice oriented and project based. Lectures, practicals and projects are carried out in English language.The curriculum combines artistic, methodological and technical subjects related to the creative development and production of animations and games. Students gain a wide range of skills and may, at the same time, specialize in one of the following fields:
- Concept Development and Design
- Animation
- Technical Art
- Game Programming/Game Development
- Creative Producing and Production Management
How to apply
The B.A. Animation and Game starts once year in Winter Semester. Applicants with German school leaving certificates must apply until 01. June. Applicants with international school leaving certificates must submit their application until 15. April.
Our philosophy
The international Animation and Game program is a multidisciplinary, project-based Bachelor degree course with strong practical focus. Mainly carried out in English language it qualifies students for careers in the international media and entertainment industries.