FMX Diary – Day #1
See where Google, Valve and Industrial Light and Magic lead CGI's future and how our first day at FMX 2016 went. Let's blend realities!
An entry by Marina Bade
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Animation & Game
We jumped out of the car to rush right into the first events at FMX 2016! And it was brilliant.
We’ve heard about how virtual reality really is the next big thing and how the leading players – including Google, Valve and Industrial Light and Magic, design and explore the borders of human minds. They are expanding the borders of reality from day to day. According to them there’ll be a hell of fancy new devices coming out during the next few months that’ll totally blend realities.
We’ve experienced that also serious kinds of media – like journalism on war and crime can profit from VR merging viewer and picture into one.
We’re looking forward to three more days of fun and incredible art at FMX 2016. They really rocked this year’s theme. See you tomorrow!